Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Final Drawings

- Use of detail vs blank space to highlight the idea of "outside coming in" - the driveway and main space of the ground floor interior have been portrayed as one entity to show how Corbusier used glass to link inside and out. This also shows how the glass facade was used to allow people approaching through the promenade to experience some of the house's interior before stepping through the door.

- Top floor - highlighting the ramp's role in providing rapid access to the roof top garden, a higher plane of living. Also shows the idea of the roof top garden's reclamation of nature lost through the house's construction, with shading of the plant boxes matching the shading of the landscape.
- Middle floor - contrasting detail with blank space to outline the division between open and cubicled (public and private). The terrace and the living room have been highlighted as one entity to outline the way in which Corbusier used glass to blur the boundaries between inside and out.

- Section divided into 4 areas of living (cave, pilotis, habitation and solarium). The shading represents the transition from earth to sky, from a lower to a higher level of existence.

- Axonometric - overlay shows the structural system vs aesthetic aspects, highlighting the role of the pilotis in enabling an open floor plan and non load-bearing walls.
- Section - highlighting the prominence of the ramps in enabling fast fluid movement between levels and areas of the house.

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